
Live Eventfully's Bride and Groom


When I first contract a Bride and Groom I ask them three questions:

1. Please send me your love story with a few pictures attached. (This helps me get to know the both of you, your personalities, and dreams as a couple).

2. When is your wedding date/month?!

3. (Most Important to me) Love whole heartily, Do not go to bed mad at each other, and when something is broken in your relationship, fix it...don't throw it away. ( I would love to be able to say that I have a 100% success rate for all the marriages that use me as their planner.)

So without further adieu, I would like to introduce
Live Eventfully's Bride and Groom for June 15th 2013!

1)  Christine was one of the first girls I met in high school; we met on the first day of Freshman year in Biology class. We were put together on a brief partner project for that class, and we got along but neither of us would tell you that it was love at first sight. We were casual friends for the next year or so, getting to know each other better through youth groups, mutual friends and our older sisters' friendships. We began talking and flirting a little bit during the winter of Sophomore year, until I finally just called her and asked her on a date. We really liked each other and had a great time together, all the while getting to know each other and figuring out what dating was all about. After about a year, we took a long break for about 10 months, a time when we still talked some but were also very busy with other things. During the fall of senior year, we found that we were just too curious and missed each other a little bit too much to not start talking again. This was a great time for us, being seniors and spending a lot of time together before we went off to college was a fun and unique time in our relationship. Roughly a year later, we went to separate schools but didn't go our separate ways. Christine went north to Towson and I went southeast to Maryland, a distance that was easily handled in an hour. Trying to see each other every few weeks and adjust to college life had its challenges, but we could always still spend time together on breaks or meet up back at home.

The relationship in college was great, but by the time Sophomore year came around, we knew that we didn't know enough about ourselves or the outside world to ride the relationship out for good. I was resistant to it, but spending the year apart in college ended up being one of the best things we did. We hardly talked at all, that is until the summer after Sophomore year when some unique circumstances prompted me to accept a job with Christine's father, who was a contractor just like my own father. Of course, the first major project he asked me to work on was a remodeling of their own house, during which Christine and I ran into each other fairly often. After having spent the year apart and having our own unique experiences, we knew how much the other person meant to us and that we had really had something special. We both made significant moves to get back together and after moving the relationship slowly for a while, became very serious near the end of college. Spending the last few years together has been some of the best time we've had, and it was all too exciting to ask her to marry me just a few weeks ago. We both take marriage so seriously and look forward to what the future holds.

2)  She wins this one...June 15th if we can make it work.

3) Don't worry about it, we got this.

Soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bateman
Vendors thus far:
Catering: Garry's Grill
Rental Company: Absolute Party Rentals
Venue (booking this week): Private Home


  1. What a cute story and post! I'm so excited to photograph their wedding! Congratulations Christine and Pat!


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