
Dress to Be WEDnesday!


Dress to be WEDnesday: Emerald Green Weddings and Spring Trends

Hello, everyone! We're back from a long break over the holidays to return with some bold color inspiration in the form of emerald green. We're not sure if it's just because the wedding industry really takes notice when Pantone announces the Color of the Year, but this year, when it was revealed that emerald green was the selected color, it seemed like it was really big news everywhere we looked. Now we can't peek at a website or Pinterest without seeing someone dressing in, or decorating with emerald green!

While we agree it's a great color, Dress for The Wedding  and I decided to break things up  a little and show you different ways to incorporate this great green  hue with a few other trends that are happening right now.

If you can't get enough emerald green, and want some more green wedding inspiration, we've pinned plenty of it here. If you enjoy these  pins, be sure to follow KristynJennifer Events  - LiveEventfully and Dress For  The Wedding !

Emerald and Hot Pink

Emerald Green and Hot Pink
First up in our emerald look is emerald and hot pink.  Green and pink have always been a classically feminine color combination, and a popular choice for weddings. But using a staid dark jewel color like emerald and putting it with a trendy bright, youthful color like hot pink is not only a little unexpected; it makes the green less stuffy and much more vibrant.  Hot pink and other bright colors are really in this season for weddings and in accessories, so if one combines the two trends, well... it's a pretty hip thing to do.

Emerald  and Purple

Emerald Green  and Deep Purple

The other trend we've been seeing a lot more of are jewel tones.  Of those jewel tone colors, a deep purple like this one marries exceptionally well with emerald green. The two rich, dark compliment each other well, and look elegant together. Here's how we envisionedwearing it.

Emerald Green and Bright Lime

Emerald Green and Tender Shoots Green
Tone-on-tone looks are also a big trend this season. Rather than being completely matchy and monochromatic the approach takes different variations of the color and layering the same color family. If you want to have emerald as a wedding color but also want to make it light and fun enough for summer or spring, adding lime green is a great option.We love how a light lime green looks with emerald, giving brightness to what can be sometimes be thought of as  a dark, wintry color.  In fact, on of the other Pantone colors of the year is "Tender Shoots" which is a light spring green. So, if you pair the two,you'll have not one but two "of the moment" colors.

Hope you have enjoy our take on how to dress up with the color of the year. Read other Dress to be WEDnesday posts  like this one  and this one, or Meet KristynJennifer!

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