
Liebster Award!!


 I was beyond excited today when I received an email from Amy at Be Designs Shop. She has nominated my blog as one of her 5 choices for the Liebster Award. I am so flattered by this wonderful pay-it-forward way to showcase blogs that have 200 followers or less. Once you are nominated you choose 5 other blogs that you would like award. Such a thoughtful and fun idea!  

I would sincerely like to thank 
Amy who chose {Live Eventfully} as one of her blogs to award!  Her blog and website, Be Designs Shop, displays her genuine love for all things home, beautiful textiles, bold colors, and great design! Each product is carefully curated to enlighten your senses, make you smile, and express your unique sense of self. Her ideas and inspirations for decorating and designing make your heart smile, and your creative juices start flowing.  Be sure to stop by her blog /website and check it out! 
“Life is not about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself!

I will be posting my nominations next week! Thank you so much Amy!!!
Live Eventfully :) 

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