
Meet Me Mondays!


I am pleased to announce my choices for the Liebster Award. This is a pay-it-forward type of award for blogs with fewer than 200 followers. Once you are nominated you choose 5 blogs that you feel deserve to be recognized and send lots of love their way! They in turn blog about winning, and link back to the person who nominated them, and choose 5 of their favorite, deserving blogs. 

 I would again like to Thank Amy @ Be Designs Shop for my Award!

Below are my five nominations for the Liebster Award! 

The first nomination is Angela from Rusty Love Vintage Rentals. I immediately fell in love with all of her unique and chic rentals as soon as I found her blog. Rusty Love Vintage Rentals, supplies Brides, Event Planners, and Photographers with vintage furniture, fixtures and props to create a storybook-like feel on your special day. With their one-of-a-kind pieces they will make your event stand out from all the rest. 
Next is Lindsay from Chic to the Nines! She is a thirty year old advertising gal and jewelry designer. She is originally from Baltimore, MD and now lives in NYC with her loving and supportive husband who always lets her follow her dreams. She hopes to get back to the South one day just like me! She loves finding "eye-candy" to inspire her chic designs and wants to inspire your inner chicness too! Hope you enjoy her adorable blog as much as I do!

Next is Jennifer from JT and the Sea. Jennifer and I went to middle school together. She has a contagious love for her husband and new baby on the way! Her craftiness and amazing food recipes will surely keep you clicking back to her blog. She enjoys all things pretty, delicious, interesting and delightful and loves to find fun new ways to add beauty to her life. I hope you enjoy! 

My next nomination is Katie, from Love Bird Productions. Katie’s southern charm is what drew me to her blog. She is an adorable Southern wife who turned her passion into her day job. She creates videos for your wedding day and blogs about all things weddings, life and love. 

Last, but certainly not least, Dolci and Gelati Snob DC. Don’t you just adore the name! She is a fun, loving soul with a sweet tooth. Dolci Gelati is a DC based artisan gelato wholesale and distribution company. They currently have two carts at the National Zoo, National’s Stadium, Pennsylvania Turnpike, and loads of restaurants.  


  1. Aren't you just the sweetest? Thank you so much and I am excited to check out your other recommendations :) Hugs!

  2. You are so welcome!! Live Eventfully :)


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